Rebuilding Yourself & Your Relationship After Betrayal

Rebuild. Reconnect. Renew.

When trust is broken, it can feel as though the foundation of your relationship and yourself has crumbled. When your partner is unfaithful you feel shattered, like a broken mirror. The pain of betrayal can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of confusion, anger, and despair. Yet, with guidance and support, it is possible to rebuild trust and reconnect.

Betrayal Trauma

When you go through betrayal trauma because of infidelity, it can really turn your world upside down. It's like a huge wave of sadness, anger, confusion, and sometimes you might even feel numb.

These emotions can make everyday life and relationships tough, and you might start to question if you're good enough or wonder why this happened to you.

These feelings can even start to affect your body, making it hard to sleep or eat right. But remember, it's completely normal to feel this way after something so heartbreaking.

And most importantly, you don't have to go through this alone. Talking to a professional can be a big step towards feeling better. Our therapists know a lot about betrayal trauma and can help you understand what you're going through and give you support and tools to help you heal.

By working through these feelings, you'll find that you can come out of this experience even stronger and more hopeful about the future.

How We Help You

At Novus, we care about helping you in a way that makes sense.

Our therapists know how to help when it comes to the challenging feelings of being betrayed.

But we also take the time to get to know you and what you're going through. That way, we can give you advice and tools that are just right for you. We'll show you strategies that work and be there for you with kindness and understanding.

You'll learn how to handle those challenging thoughts and feelings to start feeling better and regain control of your life. Coming to us is a big step towards healing and feeling like yourself again after going through such a tough time.


Understanding betrayal trauma is essential for anyone who has experienced the deep pain of infidelity. The emotions and challenges that emerge in the aftermath can feel all-consuming, and without proper support, you may find yourself trapped in a cycle of anger, sadness, and confusion.

Seeking individual professional support is crucial, as therapists specialized in betrayal trauma can provide you with the tools and strategies needed to process your feelings and begin the journey toward healing.

With personalized sessions, you'll learn how to navigate the complex emotions surrounding the betrayal and gain insights into your own needs and boundaries.

Furthermore, individual therapy offers a safe, confidential space where you can openly express your feelings and receive compassionate guidance tailored to your unique situation.

In doing so, you'll be taking a vital step towards reclaiming your sense of self and rebuilding a foundation of trust and resilience for your future.

Reach Out Today.

You have nothing to lose. Don’t let shame stand in the way of your recovery.

Call us at 562-431-5100

Text us at 562-431-5100

6695 East Pacific Coast Highway, #135
Long Beach, CA 90803

Our Location

6695 E. Pacific Coast Highway, #135

Long Beach, Ca 90803
