We know you can start recovery today.

Real Help With Real Solutions

1.  Understanding Brain, Body, and Addiction - Evidence Based

Today we understand so much more about how the brain works and its part in the addictive process.  Recovering from sex addiction is not a matter of willpower.  Addiction is a problem in the brain and the body, where a once pleasurable experience becomes compulsive and destructive. To free yourself from addictive behavior, you need to change the addictive process.  We incorporate work based on the latest science and research to help you accomplish this.

2. Critical Non-Judgmental Environment

Entering into treatment is a difficult step to take. You may feel scared, embarrassed, ashamed, or even angry that you are here. When you begin, know you are in a safe place where you are cared for.   We will teach you that you are worthy of love and support.  We work hard to help you feel comfortable enough to open your yourself to get the help you need.   

3.  Leveraging the power of technology for positive change

At the forefront of enabling you to reach your highest potential, we provide information tailored in a variety of formats that best match how each person learns. Unlocking possibilities and opportunities with our virtual meetings and online courses - harness the power today to transform your life!

4.  You Are Not Alone

The shame of addiction keeps you in isolation and trapped in a prison where you feel you can’t reach out.  This isolation prevents you from getting the help you need. Recovery from sex addiction is a journey of making connections. Often, people will come to me and ask if they can just get the information they need to fix themselves and be on their way. The truth is that will just not work.  Addiction, at the root, is an intimacy problem. This may be hard to understand as you read this, but connecting intimately with others is a big part of how people get better.  Reaching out to Novus and Starting Recovery is the first step in creating new, safe, healthy connections for yourself.  This is where you begin to trust others with what you think no one could know about you.  This struggle is more common than you think.

"Taking the first steps to get help can be daunting, but Starting Recovery removed all the worry and apprehension from this journey with personalized advice tailored just for me, I felt heard without any judgment - it was truly a safe space where I could start my recovery process with confidence!"

— Starting Recovery

Our Team

Our Services

  • If you'd like to take a proactive step toward recovery from sex and porn addiction, an intensive treatment program is a way forward. Our 6-week curriculum has been constructed with valuable insight gained through experience; it's sure to give your foundation for a full recovery and the stability you need! Don't let life circumstances hold you back. Make that commitment today: give yourself the gift of lasting sobriety.

    6 Weeks

  • Online or in-person, this is designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts. This creates a non-judgemental place to talk about what’s been going on so you can get real feedback and build a solid recovery plan.

    50 mins

  • Online group therapy is a great place to connect with others that understand your situation and “get it.” This is a powerful way to share in the group's wisdom created from real-world experience. You won’t get this anywhere else.

    90 mins

  • A big part of recovery is doing the work.  We have leveraged the power of online learning to bring your recovery to you. In an easy-to-learn online course format, you can complete the tasks needed to change your life and process it with your therapist and support group, getting feedback about your progress. You can do these courses on your own or with your therapist.

  • Many individuals who struggle with sex and porn addiction also have underlying issues of depression, anxiety, and trauma. The Starting Recovery Program at Novus Mindful Life Institute has partnered with our colleague, Eric Osterlind to bring this cutting-edge treatment to appropriate individuals. This is an optional component of the Starting Recovery program.

Let us help you start recovery.